
Avemar is a patented technology, trusted over 30+ countries worldwide with 150+ clinical trial reports. 


WHAT IS AVEMAR?   The active ingredient is Avemar pulvis, an all-natural compound made from fermented wheat germ extract using patented biotechnological processes. Since the invention of Avemar pulvis in 1998, significant research has been undertaken – not only in the laboratory, but in test animals and human cancer patients as well. Numerous scientific studies have been conducted to study Avemar’s safety profile and its effectiveness, including in vitro, in vivo and human clinical research. Over 150 reports have been written for presentation or publication since 1998, and over 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers are currently accessible at PubMed database. All scientific publications are listed at the official Avemar Research website.


Avemar is made from the extract of GMO free wheat germ through a patented biotechnological process. While the molecular structure and the chemical composition of the wheat germ is uniquely altered, no chemicals are used in the process.


Avemar is manufactured in a good manufacturing practice (GMP) certified plant of the highest standards of the pharmaceutical industry. The product is non-toxic. It is always recommended to discuss the use of any supplements with your doctor.

Dr. Mate Hidvegi
(Inventor of Avemar)

Dr. Mate Hidvegi is inventor of the compound avemar™. He is Hungarian biochemist popular for his work to develop fermented Wheat germ extract based based nutraceuticals to help cancer patients worldwide.  
Dr. Hidvegi's grandfather was a colleague and, perhaps best friend of Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. He had the opportunity to meet Albert Szent-Gyorgyi in person. It is kept, as a treasure, one of his books signed by him. Inspired and determined to develop a cancer drug. He strongly felt that following the intellectual pathway that Szent-Gyorgyi had just started to walk on, he could complete his goals.


A product of Hungary, Avemar™ has been available worldwide for over 20 years.